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​MA Fee Schedules

Downloadable MA Program Outpatient Fee schedule - The PROMISe™ Outpatient Fee Schedule is available for download in the following formats: Excel, PDF, and Comma Delimited. This link will take you to the PROMISe™ website where you will be required to log in using your Provider ID and Password. Please note that the downloadable fee schedule is updated quarterly, with the most recent update having occurred on March 7th, 2024​.  Other changes may have been made to the fee schedule since that time and have not been captured on this downloadable update. For the most recent information related to the service you are providing, you may refer to the online fee schedule which is updated daily.

Early Intervention Fee Schedule  – The fee schedule rates have been established for Infant/Toddler Early Intervention services. Please click-on Early Intervention Fee Schedule 2023-2024  for the Early Intervention Program announcement EI #23-02 addressing the rates set.

Dental Fee Schedule

Family Planning (FP) Services Fee Schedule